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Happy new year all, modplanet has brought us gifts, IMPORTANT, to make the mod avalaible in English, visit the folder "=ENGLISH VERSION" and copy and paste the contents to the correct idrectory,
Mi-17 Iraqi Air Force - transport (Syria, general)
Mi-17 Iraqi Air Force - strike aircraft with NURS (Syria, general)
Su-25 Iraqi Air Force - bomber (Syria, general)
HUMMVY with a combat module with BAU-23x2 (Syria, general)
Shushpanzer on a tank chassis with 57mm (Syria, general)
Iraqi Federal Police: officer, gunner, machine gunner, grenade launcher, driver (Syria, general)
Mi-24A DRA Air Force (Afghanistan)
M577 US medical vehicle (to replace the M113 medical vehicle, all diagrams)
A massive improvement of the graphics of the infantrymen has been carried out - most machine gunners with single-purpose machine guns have been given an animation of the standing position. Now, while at rest, they move, reloading
Added single missions (authored by qpyT6oJIusT):
"Uspenovsky bag"
"Liberation of Andreevka"
"Battle for Vovchansk"
"Battle near Avdeevka"
"Wolf's Gate"