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Arnhem- one Brigde to much Vers. 1.06 Eng Arnhem- one Brigde to much Vers. 1.06 English

Name: tomic
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mapname: Arnhem- one Brigde to much Vers. 1.06 English
Größe: 512*512
SP or MP: Singleplayer
SP : SP Allies/Alliierte
MP: ----
map: Normale Map
Version: Sudden Strike 2
Szenario: Sommer/Summer
Kampfart: taktische Massenschlacht / tactical Massbattle
Mod: RWM 6.8 (SS 2)
Forum: http://www.sudden-strike-maps.de/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=140&t=9347
It is the 17th september 1944. General Eisenhower orders to start Operation Market Garden. Lead the 30th British Corps into the fight till you reach the bridge of Grave. Assume command of the 82nd US Airborne Division (General Gavin) at the forrest of Grave and secure the advance of the british tanks to Nijmegen. You will then obtain high command under guidance of General Roy Urquhart of the british airborne units near Arnheim. Accompany the fights in and around Arnheim. In the meantime you are ordered to carry out a landing operation near the bridge of Nijmegen. After success fight your way through Nijmegen with the 82´s and the 30th British Corps. Meanwhile the polish will land near Arnheim and support the Brits. Continue the fight over Arnheim, try everything to complete Market Garden successfully. The British Royal Airforce and the US Airforce are only able to come into action slightly because a lot flak-guns are stationed in the combatarea and the germans are concentrating 190 fighter planes! Script and Map by tomic, 2010. Version 1.06, spezial Thanks to Oberchobo for the english text!

Created 20-01-2011
Changed 20-01-2011
Size 848.83 KB
(0 votes)
Created by Ingwio
Changed by Ingwio
Downloads 6,405
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