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Download details

Sudden Strike 4 Ever Skin Light Mod version Sudden Strike 4 Ever Skin Light Mod version 1.15

This great endeavor, toward which I have striven for another so many months.

Many thanks to:
soldier312 for giving me advices and giving me the courage to finish this titanic work once again :)
and of course Mister Ingwio from www.sudden-strike-maps.de for giving me all I needed for this project (web space and support to make this mod alive).
Thank again :)

This mod has been made only for singleplayer. It will work with all DLCs : Road to Dunkirk, Finland Winter Storm, Afrika - Desert War & Pacific War.

This version of the Mod will NOT change units settings, no permanent wrecks of others features from SS4Ever Mod. Playing with this version, you will have :

Some new playable units :
- Jagdpanther
- Hetzer
- SU 100
- Sdkfz 234-1 (20mm)
- Marder II
- Sdkfz 251-8 (Ambulance)
- Medic Trucks

Some new skins :
- German camouflages are different depending on the start or the end of the conflict, also depending on the East or West front. The same tank can have several textures

Some new sounds :
- German, soviet, allied tanks have a new engine & a new track sound.

Some changes in mission :
- All German/Soviet/Allied Missions have been reworked with new units, some modifications in the player and enemy reinforcements

WARNING : All your savegames won't work with this version as missions were rebuilt with new units.

How to install and use it :

The mod will only work with version 1.15.30080.
Copy the SS4Ever Skin Light Mod 1.15 Installer into your Sudden Strike 4 folder and run it there.

Comments, suggestions or even complaints can be posted at www.sudden-strike-maps.de

If you want to reward me for all this work, here's the link  :)

But most of all, HAVE FUN with it ! :)

20201020221055_1 20201027185646_12 20201209220837_13 20201116112835_14 20201116154452_15
Created 15-12-2020
Changed 15-12-2020
Version 1.15
Size 2.22 Go
(12 votes)
Created by Casquebleu
Changed by Casquebleu
Downloads 616
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