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Winter Battle MP Winter Battle MP 3v3)

Winter battle map updated for MP game. River removed. Main role infantry warfare early in game. Super weapons
disabled. Only light howitzers mid, late game. 1940-41-42+ / Primary rules testing. Not precious. Combat groups are dragged from Desert Battle Map. Why Czech rules? In this map should be excellent game playing of ´´forever´´style infantry. Additional, units are mostly from 41,42. There is lot of small arms and fire weapons, including fire tanks instead usual heavy weapons. House to House fighting was completely changed with significant benefit for units per combat XP. Main role for infantry, less number of tanks early in game. All Testers should have same version of rules. That mean: As i have two fodders with the Game. The Original, and my updated version. Recopy updated version of rules is very easy. 81% , 81,1% as more as mod autor testing so many units for the natural 60% game speed. Me also playing 800x600. Big units looking nice. But i have small Monitor.
Created 14-11-2022
Changed 14-11-2022
Version 2.75 Liberation
Size 190.13 KB
(0 votes)
Created by Markis
Changed by Markis
Downloads 32
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