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Final Str Final Strike

Some of my older MP map converted into single mission pretest on the west front autumn 1944. Allied forces are continue pushing exhausted German army. Still same quest. Conquer the airfields, liberate the cities, destroy industrial facilities, neutralise enemy supply lines. US & UK players army vs Germany AI defenders. An updated version 1.1: a) Victory condition difficulty increased. For airfield on the east, the player now get additional flights for planes ( need to keep some planes from previous airfield to benefit this script ) For final victory there is nessecary to conquer and clear also enemy defense line beetween the airfield east and river south. ( Bunkers, Hills, Sand fortifications ) b) Global difficulty decreased: Player have some initial AA defense, and more motorized infantry. ( US initial main group resized + ) Ive add some primitive bitmap with direction of allied advance. As allways v.1.1 is after some more decent test on normal difficulty. It seems there is no trouble with this mission. Download and play it for sure. Seems GREAT, not so hard, no so easy. Classic:-)
Final Strike
Created 19-12-2023
Changed 20-12-2023
Version Forever 1.21
Size 310.7 KB
(2 votes)
Created by Markis
Changed by Markis
Downloads 265
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