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Category: Liberation Mod Software
Downloads: 8
(4 votes)
Created: 30-05-2024
Version: Lib8mergedWith6M5A1
Size: 1.06 GB
Liberation mod for 50%,60%,70% Game speed & Normal difficulty ONLY. v.1.82. Check README for the versions compatibility and new ´´update´´. ´´Occasionally´´ very often because some new experimental map, but already very detailed game play in global size. Add latest Mafia MP&SP mission.

(2 votes)
Created: 22-05-2024
Version: original
Size: 1.03 GB
Unfortunately most of maps are lost. Its your responsibility to upload a new map. Check in mod M5A1note: You just need learn to play this game with a flies it have for ,,none.problematic´´ playing. Nothing is perfect. ´´I can imagine: I only upload a new maps without control´´ So there are only my maps what are not best for original settings, most of them was developed for M5A1. ( There is ERROR, Sharp attention know - tester 86 - ) For better playing of M5A1 missions you need to wait for my custom completing of mod with a new adds from  Lib8, so it will be playable for a cinematic 60% game speed better.... https://www.sudden-strike-maps.de/index.php/download-uebersicht/download/49-liberation-mod-software/588-liberationbeta6rulesczfinalm2a9
(2 votes)
Created: 08-03-2024
Version: 2.75 LiberationBeta6
Size: 538.81 KB
New laborious maps for a free. This human kind must END in DISASTER as completely worthless inevitably. SLASH MONEY = Touch of KATANA in assumption global = When the extraterrestrial initiative will come to the state. => System FATAL ERROR / Mayan´s Calendar tick, tick...Prophet of the MASSACRES & Wisdom of the God´s THORNS at YEAR 2015 = True Budhism Sacrifice CZ at January 2015 - https://www.sudden-strike-maps.de/index.php/download-uebersicht/download/49-liberation-mod-software/516-czech-rules-81-1
Created: 22-11-2023
Version: 2.75 LiberationBeta6
Size: 696.45 MB
Newest. One update in rules. Add new better working edit3. Most rules author mp missions & ,,one´´ new SP mission added into this version M5A1 full game client. All done, set compatibility for windows only and play!
Created: 01-04-2023
Version: 2.75 LiberationBeta6
Size: 688.69 MB

Game client external link download of Sudden Strike Liberation Beta6 applied with a home customization and add-on game features ( LiberationBeta6rulesCZ.1.2. ) + New link of full game client with my latest rules release M4A5 from the year 2024. File name is: Sudden strike2.76.CZ-LiberationM4A5

(2 votes)
Created: 26-03-2023
Version: 2.75 LiberationBeta6
Size: 1.6 MB
Completed 10 blank maps from the Markis.
(3 votes)
Created: 13-11-2022
Version: Lib8mergedWith6M5A1
Size: 1.06 GB
60% Game speed & Normal difficulty playing only on this custom mod.CZ, anglicized menu, editor, units. More selected compatible maps for this mod version. Probably heavy 1Forever tribute. Slow motion tanks for exchange download here. First version 1.0 is here. The new updated versions can be suddenly affected with a some fatal error. Need to take care. Updated to 1.2 = 1.1 still contain some major errors on the east and wrong names in west units palletes. Nothing fatal, but quality is quality. I didnt find nothing else yet...but i dont have so much time anymore for it. Hope its regular corporate quality. From a single person. What a ironic. Note: Be careful what maps you are uploading. The Liberation client is quite sensitive for any external files, include new maps. If game suddenly stop working, this reason is very often. A special procedure for uploading new maps from a problematic package or of questionable origin is described in README.File.



Created: 10-10-2016
Size: 1.1 GB

Sunjin hat von uns einen FTP Zugang bekommen, mit dem er den aktuellen Liberation Mod 2.75 Beta 8 hochladen konnte.
Durch die Registrierungspflicht auf der chinesischen Downloadseite war es Nicht-Chinesen fast unmöglich den Mod runterzuladen.

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