Wesel counter attack (512^2)

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Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Wesel counter attack (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Hi peeps,

So, I've started another map.. AGAIN, I know...in spite of earlier claims of giving up on scripting altogether (I hope u can forgive me :)) Yet, I couldn't resist. Fruehlingserwachen on the creative front I guess. Remagen and Stavelot are still in the pipeline.

The mission I have envisioned for this map is partially fictive in that, save a few insignificant attacks, no major counter-attack was ever conducted in the Wesel area.. the 1st parachute army more or less retreated to Hamburg after a few days of feeble resistance.

Yet, this is my version of history. Say the german forces in the area were a bit less worn out then they actually were and could still muster the stenght to launch a full scale counter attack... codenamed Landsknecht (I don't know how silly this name sounds, but I kinda liked it when it popped in my mind)

Map is 90% done.. actually it's never done, but Ill have to stop adding stuff at some point or it will simply crash due to overloading (already 250.000 objects placed)
Mission is WIP... trying to make the most out of what understanding of scripting I accumulated over the years. Hoping to make it as dynamic as possible. It's bound to be a while before the first Beta... but I promise it's going to be worth the wait.


Mission description:

Wesel area Germany - March 29, 1945

After the successful crossing of the Rhine at Wesel and Rees on march 24 during operation Plunder,
the western allies are now fanning out from the bridgeheads on the east bank of the river,
penetrating up to 10 kilometers into Germany.

On march 26 the order was passed down by HQ to start preparations for a counter-attack
against the still fragile anglo-american bridgeheads.

This operation, codenamed 'Landsknecht' foresaw a rapid advance towards the east bank of the Rhine
by the battle-hardened yet understrenght 1st Fallschirm-armee. To support the advance, the 1st Fallschirm-armee
gained command of the XLVII Panzercorps, including the 116th Panzerdivision and 15th Panzergrenadierdivision.

Greets Nevux
Zuletzt geändert von nevux am 28.10.2013, 22:55, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 640
Registriert: 18.02.2007, 22:56

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von kopfabhassan »

Great Mapdesign

1.oder mit das Programm 2.ich komm nicht wieter Merdè 3.ich bekomme das nicht zum leufen (Final) 4.und wer bis du den für einer
auch so einer wie Lamafarmer wen ja da gut nacht Deutschland 5.Aber keiner war mal in einen La Guerre 6.Ich kaufe das nicht für 49,95 ,für ein 10 ja 7.ich mach kein kampf mit die ok8.Dein Deutsch ist ok 9.nicht den scheiss Forever der ist Mühl , Merdè HS2 ist genau richtig und besser als RWM 10.Schlauchboote wahrum nicht toole idee Danke11.@ kopf ab
und das ist dein Oder für den Forumwechter
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Hi peeps,

During testing I ran into some problems. I was wondering if any1 else recognizes them. One of the things is that enemy guns remain hostile when the troops manning the gun have been killed.. so my units keep shooting at it until their guns are empty or until the gun is destroyed. The same goes for buildings. Even when all enemy troops occupying a building have been killed it stays 'red' and my troops will continue attacking it. So basically I have to put my units on hold fire after the enemy has been killed, otherwise they will empty their weapons.. kind of annoying.

My fear is that perhaps it's related to the number of objects I have used to build my map.. approx 255.000.. exceeding the maximum specified in the editor five-fold.. initially I was already at 274.000, which caused the game to freeze while loading... so my guess is that maybe a too high object count is causing integrity issues?
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Map: 100% (save enhancement of detail in between scripting)
Script 80(?)% (approx 200 ''strings''....most ive ever done before was 87 so it's sort of a milestone for me already..kudo's to Mattheoz for cranking out 1500+ strings.. at 200 I'm already starting to run out of ideas)

An impression of the map:


Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Hi peeps..

I have a quick question concerning enemy fighter planes. Is there any way to send enemy interceptors to a given location without them circling over the map forever until they finally run out of fuel and crash? I'd like to 'reward' the player for downing enemy aircraft by setting the number of planes to a fixed amount, so that when all have been shot down the player, by hit own merit will no longer be bugged by allied air superiority. Of course... when pilots forget to fly back and crash this incentive doesn't apply.

Needless to say I have set the airfield number to '0'...
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: 15.02.2010, 14:13

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von hws85 »

Oh I see, that´s the mentioned map, right? How much time does it need minimum?
Relating to your question: As far as I know it´s impossible to get the interceptors landed at an airfield on the map, so you can´t avoid the crash :roll: ... But if you find a way, please tell me :wink:
nevux hat geschrieben:initially I was already at 274.000, which caused the game to freeze while loading...
Be careful with such a number of objects ... I had a map for HSII with over 268000 objects (the map was not even finished) and not all objects were shown any longer in game because there were too many of them ... so I finally stopped working on the map because I don´t wanted to reduce so many objects ...
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

I've already reduced the number of objects to an acceptable level.

The script has +/- 230 lines so far
Beiträge: 125
Registriert: 30.03.2008, 16:52
Wohnort: Bayern

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Dendro »

Hi nevux,

Very nice map design, as always :)

As far as I can remember it is possible by this scripting. The more route/strike points you add, the longer the planes fly around on the map. After they passed all of them, they should fly back. But I only tried it with bombers yet, so you would have to test it. Good luck :)
BTW: I like this idea of a reward when downing a specific number of planes!
avia_track.JPG (14.09 KiB) 17088 mal betrachtet
Hier gilt es, Schütze, deine Kunst zu zeigen.
Das Ziel ist würdig und der Preis ist groß.
- aus F. Schillers "Wilhelm Tell"
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Thansk for the input Dendro. I'm afraid this script doesn't solve the problem. I think it's just one of the game's many flaws that we''ll have to live with. Like tanks turning their soft butts to the enemy and dumbass mg troops wasting ammo on hard targets.
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Beta available for download. It still needs a lot of work but part of the script is already playable. Tell me what you think of it.
Beiträge: 472
Registriert: 27.08.2009, 03:49
Wohnort: Golfsburg, Germany

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Fäby »

Wow. military17
Nice big map with a lot of details and new design of fields and landscape.
Map looks very beautiful. military7
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: 15.02.2010, 14:13

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von hws85 »

Well, landscape looks very good and mission seems to be interesting. On my first attemt I captured one bridge and some kind of workshop ... and I got 2 Jagd-Tigers :wink:
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 08.07.2011, 21:00
Wohnort: NRW

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Noge100 »

Danke für die Map, ich finde Sie verdammt gut.
Gruß Noge military18
Privat Joe
Beiträge: 134
Registriert: 16.04.2004, 18:40

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Privat Joe »

Which Mod ist this ??

Single Player ??

Download ,and do it in the Single Map RWM 6.8 ...

Test it with RWM 6.8 and other RWM ´s ..but in the Single Map can´t Start...can not find the Game " Landknecht " in Start Folder ???

Beiträge: 387
Registriert: 15.02.2010, 14:13

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von hws85 »

It´s for RWM 8.0 ... you don´t know this mod? :shock:
You must have been "offline" for over a year :wink:
On my computer it´s running ... but I still haven´t played it to the end, too busy with my own maps when I have time. But I will play again soon :wink:

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