newbie editors guide

An place for english questions !
Beiträge: 271
Registriert: 05.04.2007, 10:33

Beitrag von viriato »

-gehtnix- hat geschrieben:files for RWM 6.7 beta 5
hi ,i tried to open your mission .ievery thing goes fine but when i try to open your scripts this is what i get ,its in spanish but basically i go btw.
anyway thanks for the help.But i didnt get the point you are trying to make.
error ho 2.JPG
error ho 2.JPG (169.09 KiB) 5471 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 271
Registriert: 05.04.2007, 10:33

Beitrag von viriato »

If I got that right, you want a number of units to be sent to a staging area on a regular basis, then, once there are 20 in the zone they should attack, then, once X amount are lost, they should retreat to the staging area and absorb more reinforcements before attacking agai[/quote]
Well mat it wasnt exactly that but I will give it a go, it looks more interesting.
about the howies i just simply want them to "die" or move with or without support (trucks).they simply wil not move .I have tried various things with behaviour but i am doing something wrong i guess :D
Beiträge: 512
Registriert: 03.03.2007, 22:33
Wohnort: Australien

Beitrag von Matttheoz »

Hey man. What kind of howitzers are they? If they are heavies they can't be moved by hand. But you know that.

So if they're light ones they should move fine using "Inf-occ howitzers" or whatever its called. If they won't "kill thru the flag", set a zone adjacent to the flag, then order the howitzers into that zone, then use "kill units in location thru flag" instead of "kill units of group". Should work. Just make sure there are no other units in that zone at the same time or they will also disappear!

If you need them to move by truck, its "Transport - support group" or whatever. Then use the arty grp for grp 1 and grp 2. Then give the location (loc1 and loc 2) that the truck should go back to when its finished.

Transport - support grp
grp 1 = howitzer grp
grp 2 = """"""
loc 1 = x
loc 2 = 0

When you order the howitzers to move, the trucks should come and pick them up. Hope thats right anyway. Too much of your rioja tonight :D

Ich hasse nichts mehr als panzer, die in der Gegend herumstehen. Panzer müssen rollen! - Der Panzergraf, Graf von Strachwitz
Beiträge: 271
Registriert: 05.04.2007, 10:33

Beitrag von viriato »

yes it was great to see the howies depart to new area with the trucks,i suppose you can assign other tasks for trucks changing behavior group and location as you go along in the scripts.enjoy yor rioja but try "ribera del Duero" next time ,really good wine if not the best in spain hehehe :wink:
Last Soldier
Beiträge: 346
Registriert: 20.07.2007, 20:05

Beitrag von Last Soldier »

I have problem with reinf in MP script - all reinf waves come too sooner after start. E.q. one reinf wave have come after 25 minutes but he come after cca 3 minutes.


Where is problem ? thanks
Beiträge: 271
Registriert: 05.04.2007, 10:33

Beitrag von viriato »

i have encountered a similar problem but not only that also the order of reinf sometimes is not correct.try this the mission again and compile it to a new mp mission and see what happens
Last Soldier
Beiträge: 346
Registriert: 20.07.2007, 20:05

Beitrag von Last Soldier »

Aha, in which editor do you save/compile finaly map ? Edit3.exe or Edit3RWM65.exe ?
Beiträge: 271
Registriert: 05.04.2007, 10:33

Beitrag von viriato »

i suppose in the editor you are creating the map.
sometimes the problem appears when you overwrite a mission ,i think ,not sure or when you transfer the mission to a new version for exaple rwm 7 b4 to b5.i think the solution is to "save map in a new clean slot and mission mission options at the top of the editor compile to "create multiplayer map".
If you have noticed we are using the old 6.5 editor still but with new elements.
maybe another thing is to do is not to put all the reinfs in one single script.
For example if you rea going to have 6 reinfs maybe better to split the lot in 2 scripts
you know
Script 1
mission starts
send inicial reif of blablaa at 0:0:04
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""at 0:0:15
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""at 0:0:25
script 2
mission starts
send blblblb etc 0:10:00
and so on
Last Soldier
Beiträge: 346
Registriert: 20.07.2007, 20:05

Beitrag von Last Soldier »

Game ignore starting reserves with delay bigger than 40 minutes (and starting res. are buggy globaly or so), you must make reinf scripts with timers

thx to Roter and Nick
Beiträge: 271
Registriert: 05.04.2007, 10:33

Beitrag von viriato »

Here is few questions.One are the minefields in singleplayer maps.How can you make them visible ONLY FOR ENEMY.the team thing I think doesnt seem to work.I mean I assign team 1 for example for player and team 2 for enemy...mines only visible for team 2 and can hear the blasts in the fog of war killing the enemies!!!.
The other question is how to use the briefing programme.I mean if i want to put arrows defences on the presentation ...any tutorial on that ?thanks

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