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Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 12.01.2010, 00:36
von Herr_today
Likely to get missed as part of a "will be released" thread. Ive done Warzone 2 version 1 and it can now be downloaded from here, follow the quartermaster link from the main site:

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 14.01.2010, 17:30
von Packard
I have installed it and i think its a very good mod! All the new houses and units and many in very good quality! I mean the helicopters, radio tanks and many more. Much civilians, even cars! Hope there will be some mappers interested because there are no playable maps now.

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 14.01.2010, 23:58
von Herr_today
I'm working on several missions and I have a load of maps. Give it a week or so and I will have at least three missions.

1 Falklands Campaign (2 missions)
2. Katca Luca, British in Bosnia.
3. We were soldiers, Vietnam

Also working on:

1. Group Mobile 100 Indochinese central highlands.
2. Dien Bien Phu (this will be 3 missions)

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 20.01.2010, 19:31
von Herr_today
First mission, a very short British Army and UN in Bosnia is now available at the website at the following link.

Drop it into single missions and away you go!

Obviously as Bosnia is still in living memory its a sensitive issue, but hopefully it will be taken as what it is, a game.

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 22.01.2010, 13:09
von Packard
Obviously as Bosnia is still in living memory its a sensitive issue, but hopefully it will be taken as what it is, a game
Yes, i am thinkink about that in the same way. But anyway, i already made some missions with Korea, and this war isnt really finished too. WW2 is long time over and for battles in SuStr style it is better. Some people think WW2 was the last real conventional war. Later wars were asymmetric and difficult to play. How can we play Vietnam, were americans threw more bombs than in whole WW2 and the vietnamese hided under earth. And planes become so quick you couldnt even see them on map. The range of missiles would be far more than the map and so on.

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 22.01.2010, 15:08
von -Barbarossa-

Nice quicky! military7
I am missing exact weapon descriptions in the ingame unit names and I think the LOS is too short, or is it only in the winter-scheme? And the Helicopter recon flights look like the game is frozen - I guess it would be better if the Heli would petrol in short turns.
But nice first version of WZ 2 - keep it going.

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 22.01.2010, 17:10
von Herr_today
Some great suggestions there. I'm putting together a list of new things for warzone3, so I can develop it as wzn2 is being played.

The helicopters can be changed to a slow movement for scouting, no problem. The sights can be changed too, let me know preferences. Descriptions can be added too.

I'm just reading a book at the moment called Land of Fire, I dont go much on fiction, but this enthralls me as its Falklands War based. I love the idea of dropping special forces into a location and having them make their way via contacts etc to a point where they call in a full Entebbe style raid. That would make for an interesting mission. Anyway, I digress....

At the moment I'm doing the following:

Finishing of a two part mission for the Falklands.
We were soldiers Ia Drang mission
Dien Bien Phu 3 missions
Group mobile 100 single mission vietnam.
Another Bosnia mission.
Mogadishu, Black Hawk Down.

Planning stage:

Falklands 2, what if future scenario. A couple of missions:
SAS raid on Tierra Del Fuego
Argentine assault on the Islands

Soviet attack into Europe using the modern buildings.

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 22.01.2010, 18:33
von Packard
1 little thing:

Have you noticed in RCM in the player window, where you choose planes, there is always displayed only the type of plane which is useful. If you choose bombers there are only bombers available and they all have the abbreviation of the nation as leading part, like "us b52" or "de storch" and so on. This makes it much easier for mappers, who dont know all the types.

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 23.01.2010, 13:04
von Herr_today
I dont know how to set each unit up to do that, any ideas how its done?

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 23.01.2010, 16:27
von Packard
I think it must be somewhere in the text files. If you unpack RCM with Winsue and browse through its files with SuStGraph or similar, somewhere there must be a difference between RCM and WZ. But i dont know much about these structures. I concentrate myself on OS.

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 24.01.2010, 09:00
von Herr_today
I'll take a look at that, definately something I want to add to the mod.
Im just polishing off the Falklands campaign. Its intensive and has several missions in one. Ive played it numerous times now.

My SAS assault on Pebble Island goes well, My SAS assault on Fanning head and observation units go quite well, I get slaughtered at Goose Green, My SAS attacks on Port Stanley oil reserves is hit and miss, sometimes I get in and out ok, sometimes I get shot up badly. I managed last night for the first time when testing the whole thing to get into Port Stanley and take the town, but it was too easy (2 hours play). I need to add many many more enemy units etc. I'm sure anyone who knows about the Falklands War will understand the missions and enjoy them very much.

After this one is done I think I'll concentrate on "We were soldiers" then a Modern European Soviet v Nato mission on 512x512

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 25.01.2010, 16:53
von Packard
Yes, mapping is time consuming. Even in my little CWC 128 maps, which are designed for 1 hour. I know, some people want only 512 maps with 10 hours. But if you want a good map, extensive testing is important. For me, the most playing time is testing. And one mistake often made: the mapper forgets that he knows the internal structure of his map. When it is easy for him, it can still be very difficult for others. And if it is too difficult, it is no fun anymore (my opinion).

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 25.01.2010, 22:41
von HunButyok
When I will finish my PWM mini-campaign, I will make a map in Warzone mod too. :)

My opinion: the power of some weapons it isn't correct. For example the old T-34/85 can shot down the modern heavy tanks. The T-34 is a very obsolate tank nowadays.
And for me strange that there are shadows in different direction.

Packard told you something about RCM. If you need advice I can help you. If you need more help write to Attila (He is in the PRM topic).


Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 26.01.2010, 15:13
von Packard
Yes, shadows are all in direction lower right. If there is a shodow in direction lower left simply mirror the bitmaps vertically 8)

Re: Warzone 2 released.

Verfasst: 26.01.2010, 19:07
von Herr_today
HunButyok, totally agree with your findings on tank power. I remember the first warzone was released before it was finished so people could make maps etc and I never got round to doing the finishing touches, unfortunately tweaking lots of weapons and ranges was part of that. I lost my "to do" list a long time ago and Im just working my way through making a new one so I would hugely appreciate your input about setting the power etc and ranges. If anyone ever wants to collaborate on this project and do some unit editing then please say so, Id love to have some help and share the project.

Keep the suggestions coming, massively appreciated.