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How long til PWM 2?

Verfasst: 19.05.2007, 11:49
von LT albrecht
Hi, my german isn't that good so I'll make the first ever post /thread in the new english area!

Back to the topic, any news from The PWM team about their progress? I saw the new units (liking the Brits but I can't see any royal marines...) and the aircraft(which now look capable of what they were)

Verfasst: 19.05.2007, 22:35
von tom

We´re in the second test phase eliminating minor errors and problems.


tom :wink:

Verfasst: 20.05.2007, 11:49
von LT albrecht
Thanks! That's just the news I need, you've made my weekend worthwhile. Will the next parts of the campaigns be included in PWM2? And need any help testing from a loyal fan or is it a "PWM team only" thing?

I think I've just given you more questions than you've answered but it's all for a good cause, thanks.

Verfasst: 24.05.2007, 11:44
von viriato
Yeah .I liked pwm .It would be great to see another version out.the problem is found out about it a bit too late and only played it single mission.I didnt know where to play it on the internet or it wasnt played at all maybe

Verfasst: 24.05.2007, 14:23
von tom

The PWM 1.0 was SP only.

At the moment it is planned to make PWM 2.0 for MP, too.


tom :wink:

Verfasst: 24.05.2007, 17:15
von LT albrecht
PWM multi-player? that sounds great! I can imagine a scenario now where one player is the USMC and the other the japanese, one starts on a coasline and must defend it (and the zeps behind/near it), the defending player gets time on their side but have less troops, the attacking player gets firepower and numbers but needs a swift victory.

Any chance of a status report?

Verfasst: 06.06.2007, 21:30
von LT albrecht
How goes the testing? Looking forward to another great mod from the HSM team (if you guys are still called that; I forget...) Noticed is 403, page forbidden; does that mean there's work going on behind it or have you just forgotten to renew your web hosting? military12

Verfasst: 08.06.2007, 13:20
von tom

cougar6 is somewhat busy at the moment so just give him some time to reorganise the page :D

Release of PWM 2.0 is currently planed for late summer, maybe August.


tom :wink:

Verfasst: 08.06.2007, 17:41
von LT albrecht
Could you do a me a favour? if possible (and not inconvenient) could it be done by the 27th? (for my birthday... LOL)

Thanks :)

And any chace of a "units so far" list?

I salute you guys for putting so much effort into something you don't need to do (as you can tell I am lazy in the extreme)
(If I have asked more questions than you've answered I'm sorry, if not I'll add a few more...)

Verfasst: 08.06.2007, 19:53
von viriato
hi well here is a map i made for RWM last year .its called Saipang 384x384.
No japs now in the mod ,it is finished .i would like to play with Jap japy japs

Verfasst: 08.06.2007, 20:06
von viriato
and here is a second one smaller :lol:
The only thing I am worried about is the factory business in the multplayer game.I mean ss2 system is simpler for multyplaying than resource war

Verfasst: 14.06.2007, 19:54
von LT albrecht
multi works exactly the same in RW if you script it the same; factories are only for SP anyway as the need a marker so they stop making tanks if they are destroyed.

Verfasst: 16.07.2007, 18:44
von LT albrecht
Sorry to disturb the peace here but any news?
Hope you guys are ok and that cougar's little kid is ok too.
too the point:
you're still aiming for august right?
Any way in the slightest I can help?
Good luck guys and good speed (unless you want to have more free time, then I support you having a break; you deserve it)

Verfasst: 30.11.2007, 20:42
von viriato
No news yet? August is becoming a bit chilly with santaclaus

Verfasst: 30.11.2007, 21:34
von Panzergrenadier
I would upload the actual version but I haven`t got Webspace.

best regards
