Seite 2 von 2

Verfasst: 18.01.2008, 16:54
von Viking43
viriato hat geschrieben:hi viking you mean there is a 2 patch for pwm1??!
well, more or less:

there is

i believe everything is here

Verfasst: 23.07.2008, 04:11
von John_Chrichton
Ok guys, that totaly didn't work for me. I'm prob doing something really stupidL

I installed SSRW (without any patches)

Installed PWM 1 into the main SSRW folder

Installed the Bug Fix

Deleted the file ss2switcher

Extracted PWM2 into the main folder

Attempted to use the multi-mod switcher, but I'm getting "Out of bouns (-1) error and Invalid DLL on the Editor


Verfasst: 03.09.2008, 06:02
von adamstrange
Sorry to say but this is the only SS mod that nothing works.

PWM 1.0 NEVER loads.

When you start the game only RW starts not PWM.

There is no switcher like in the RWM to select from the regular game or the mod.

The PWM 1.0 Editor doesn't work.

The ReadME for the editor say To use the improved editor just copy the files of this folder into run/editor. Yeah right, as soon as you open the editor it crashes.

Since there is a V2.0, I no longer care about V1.0. but 2.0 has a major problem...

Its the same as doesn't work.

The ReadMe file says Just put the Files of the PWM Folder into the Sudden Strike - Resource War Folder Well if you do just doesn't work either.

You need to tell us EXACTLY IN DETAIL where each folder should go in order to run the mod just like it is on your drive or look at the way the other mods are made and follow how those mods are installed.

Where do the 2 PWM_maps.src folders go?
Where does the Run go ?
Where does the SCB go ?
Where does the ss2switcher go ?
Where does the MultiModSwitcher.exe go ?
Where does the switcher.ini go ?

Also I figured that at least let me take a look at the new buildings so I opened the SS Graphics Tool to look at the buildings and after unsueing ALL of the files...there are no new buildings like the ones in the screenshots.

I did manage to get to the mod screen without any error but you have to spend several hours switching folders around.

I had to look at the RWM 6.71 Mod to see how those folders where setup to get this mod to work...well at least just to see the mod screen because the mod WILL not load any of the maps that I found and the editor starts up but only the SSRW editor.

The mod WILL not load any of the new schemes into the PWM mod editor.

I've spent hours trying to get these 2 mods to run and in all the years of playing SS mods...these are the only 2 that don't work.

Verfasst: 04.01.2009, 15:38
von LT albrecht
I used to play PWM 1 fine, PWM 2 works, it's just unstable (I think too many animations/units in view causes it to crash, It's odd...)

In fact it works enough for me to have started developing a complex 512x512 map for PWM 2... I don't know why it doesn't work for you, probably too complicated for me too fix, I Just installed the PWM 2.0 Pre-beta and RCM 2.7 with the MMS, hit the "fix config" button and it worked fine...

Verfasst: 09.01.2009, 18:08
von For Real WW2 feeling
Nobody have news about new PWM v 2,... ? Which normaly must to come out soon ?

Verfasst: 09.01.2009, 19:48
von For Real WW2 feeling
and same question than for RCM...

but how SSRW must to be installed before PWM instal ?

+ Patch 1 (international OR/AND specific language ?)
+ Patch 2 ?

Verfasst: 12.01.2009, 13:10
von LT albrecht
:o Forgot about patch two! I'll try that.

Verfasst: 13.01.2009, 00:26
von For Real WW2 feeling
For information, RWG and RCM fonctionnely well with instal SSRW patch 1 international + patch 1 specifique langage (of version langage game) + patch 2 (fix bug in MP game).

I test today RWG in MP, and it fonctionnly very good.

RCM have a bug (but dont link with SSRW patchs) and fonctionnly (in SP) if there only one map in its SP folder...

Re: PWM Pre 2.0 OUT NOW

Verfasst: 25.02.2009, 00:26
Everything is fine. PMW2.0 Release works perfectly (Missions and editor).

I used to have old PWM2 that I deleted before installing the new version.

So I have installed in a new folder : SSRW with french patch ''ssrw_fr_patch1'',
then copied my old PWM1 in SSRW main new folder + bugfix_1 (for PWM1) + PWM-bugfix_2.exe (for PWM1) + PWM2 Release + MMS 1.04-SSRW
Then deleted in folder ''ss2switcher'', the file called PWM1. Just leaved CDV and PWM2.0 release.

Open MMS, the press ''Fix Conf'', then open again MMS.
Everything works fine and If you want to use PWM 2.0 editor, you must use on MMS menu '' Map Edit''

Re: PWM Pre 2.0 OUT NOW

Verfasst: 25.02.2009, 13:10
von For Real WW2 feeling
So I have installed in a new folder : SSRW with french patch ''ssrw_fr_patch1'',
then copied my old PWM1 in SSRW main new folder + bugfix_1 (for PWM1) + PWM-bugfix_2.exe (for PWM1) + PWM2 Release + MMS 1.04-SSRW
Then deleted in folder ''ss2switcher'', the file called PWM1. Just leaved CDV and PWM2.0 release.
??? Why you speak about PWM v 1.0 in your post about install explanation? PWM 2.0 dont fonctionnely without the v 1? And a other question in passed... if you know the answer ? Do can install PWM v 2 in same install SSRW folder that a other mod (RCM by example) ? Beacause I be fed up to creat a new SSRW folder for each new mod...

Pourquoi tu parle de PWM v 1 dans ton post et ton explication d'instal de PWM v 2 ? on doit installer PWM v 1 avant (et avec) la v 2 ?? La v 2 ne se suffit pas a elle même ? Ou j'ai pas bien compris ?
Ou tu voulais dire que tu avais sauvegardé ton ancienne version PWM v 1 dans un autre dossier (ou réinstallé) SSRW/PWM a part, pour continuer a jouer avec cette v 1 ?

D'ailleurs, une autre question en passant (si tu connais la réponse ,), peut-on installer PWM v 2 avec d'autres mods (RCM par exemple) dans un même dossier SSRW ? Parce que j'en ai marre de créer un nouveau dossier SSRW a chaque fois pour chaque nouveau mod...

Re: PWM Pre 2.0 OUT NOW

Verfasst: 25.02.2009, 13:33
von GFM Sterna
For Real WW2 feeling hat geschrieben:
So I have installed in a new folder : SSRW with french patch ''ssrw_fr_patch1'',
then copied my old PWM1 in SSRW main new folder + bugfix_1 (for PWM1) + PWM-bugfix_2.exe (for PWM1) + PWM2 Release + MMS 1.04-SSRW
Then deleted in folder ''ss2switcher'', the file called PWM1. Just leaved CDV and PWM2.0 release.
??? Why you speak about PWM v 1.0 in your post about install explanation? PWM 2.0 dont fonctionnely without the v 1? And a other question in passed... if you know the answer ? Do can install PWM v 2 in same install SSRW folder that a other mod (RCM by example) ? Beacause I be fed up to creat a new SSRW folder for each new mod...

Pourquoi tu parle de PWM v 1 dans ton post et ton explication d'instal de PWM v 2 ? on doit installer PWM v 1 avant (et avec) la v 2 ?? La v 2 ne se suffit pas a elle même ? Ou j'ai pas bien compris ?
Ou tu voulais dire que tu avais sauvegardé ton ancienne version PWM v 1 dans un autre dossier (ou réinstallé) SSRW/PWM a part, pour continuer a jouer avec cette v 1 ?

D'ailleurs, une autre question en passant (si tu connais la réponse ,), peut-on installer PWM v 2 avec d'autres mods (RCM par exemple) dans un même dossier SSRW ? Parce que j'en ai marre de créer un nouveau dossier SSRW a chaque fois pour chaque nouveau mod...
You better create a new SSRW installation for PWM2.0 Release, i dont know whether there will be issues with other Mods but its always better to create new installation.
Btw, you dont need PWM1.0 for playing PWM2.0 !

Re: PWM Pre 2.0 OUT NOW

Verfasst: 25.02.2009, 13:55
von For Real WW2 feeling

Re: PWM Pre 2.0 OUT NOW

Verfasst: 26.02.2009, 03:21
Pareil que précedemment, Shad. PWM2.0 nouveau, trop lourd pour supporter d'autres Mods en même temps. Il devient instable.

Same thing, I prefer not to mix the Mods (well, cause I have a lot of memory...)