New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Brother of PRM Mod

Moderator: HunButyok

Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »


I totally agree. RCM had lot of big disadvantages. The small accuray of the guns for example. You could fire point at the enemy unit in big distance. Nor in AXPRM it is changed.
The howitzers and mrtars are very hard weapons too in AXPRM but longer range and bigger accuracy. You can shot a very good regin-fire not point fire. And in AXPRM the "one shell in each gun" system makes the real artillery feeling. (The guns have not big mobility, becouse you have to unload the ammoboxes, not all of the trucks can tow all the guns (Big guns can be moved by heavy artillery tractors). In this case you can enjoy the advantages and the disadvantages of the towed artillery in 100%! ;)

AXPRM is an early period mod. Only 1939-1942/43. (Correct peridod: autumn 1939-spiring 1943.)

The self propelled artillery was very rare in this period and the heavy tanks were rare too. Some Pz VI were in combat in late 1942, and there are KV1 or 2 variants. But the light are and medium tanks are the majority.

In other mods I have seen the artillery. In my opinion (and lt of my historical iformation helped me) the artillr yis too weak in other mods. For example the howitzer's prime duty is to destroy the closed infantry formations of the enemy and to support the attacking infantry. For example in Other mods when the enemy attacking with 50 riflemen, and I hit them with a howitzer, 3-5 rifleman dies and the other 45-47 still running. It is not real. Anbd in other mods the artillery has very short range. The rocket artillery has very long range. It is not real too. For example the Katyusa rocket launcher had 3-6 km range, the F-22 fieldgun had cca. 20 km. In AXPRM I crrected this. (The range of the BM-13 Katyusa is approx one or two screen. The F-22 can shot across a 256X256 map. :D )

Trench warfare... In AXPRM you have to move with your units becouse the enemy artillery eliminate you. :D The accuracy is similar to your opinion: if you fire 100 shells only 15 can hit the target in the max distance. When the enemy units are closer, the guns/howitzers/mortars have better accuracy.

The aircraft: In RCM they were lot of planes which were very strong against ground units. When you sent 30 Thunderbolt into the battle, the german panzers were eliminated in few seconds. :D In AXPRM there will b early planes, but thes planes will be evry good against infantzry. When you know the AXPRM1.0 beta 3 yu can see that the I-16 is very dangerous against finnish infantry. The machinegun is a real terror for the finnish soldiers. :twisted:
The jagdbombers will be very good against tanks, but they can not drop bombs to the enemy tanks easily. (Bombing accuracy)

Greetings from Hungary!
* SSM - General * (Administrator)
* SSM - General * (Administrator)
Beiträge: 1937
Registriert: 11.10.2003, 13:19

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von -Barbarossa- »

You think its more real that one howitzer can stop 50 attacking soldiers? Or you mean a whole battery?
The users always tell me the RWM arty is too weak but they always forget, that you cant make the earth shake with 1-3 artys or 1 Nebelwerfer etc. And if you see 4 Nebelwerfer firing for example you will see that the inf will have a hard time^^
So in my opionion its a more a map-thingy. For real arty-feeling just put more arty on the map. People still too much stuck on the vanilla sust versions where 2 artys own a whole map.
About the short range...I agree thats not optimal but if a arty can shoot over a 256x256 or even more far...there is just no chance to kill them. The players would just put them in the farest corner of the map, complety unreachable for the enemy. And in view of multiplayer this would be just lame.

Looking forward to your arty-realisation! But plz dont make it too strong, especially against hard targets, if they massacre the infantry ok but not the tanks. Otherwise it will destroy any dynamic gameplay like u see it in sust 1+2 vanilla.

One arty is weak, a whole battery has the power to supress a attack.
Das Leben ist kein Frankreichfeldzug.
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Registriert: 21.07.2004, 14:47
Wohnort: Wien

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HeavyPershing »

I think you got me wrong - I had directly firing cannons like AT-guns and tank cannons in mind. Projectiles fired off by these canons should not be too accurate otherwise you may make a dynamic gameplay impossible in the first place (accuracy was much too high for these weapons in the previous RCM versions).

“Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws.”
Amschel Mayer Rothschild -1838

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”
Gutle Schnapper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife - 1849

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
Nathan Mayer Rothschild - 1814

“This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have quarrelled. Whenever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumours of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at his games somewhere near the region of the disturbance.”
British Labour Leader - 1891
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

-Barbarossa- hat geschrieben:You think its more real that one howitzer can stop 50 attacking soldiers? Or you mean a whole battery?
The users always tell me the RWM arty is too weak but they always forget, that you cant make the earth shake with 1-3 artys or 1 Nebelwerfer etc. And if you see 4 Nebelwerfer firing for example you will see that the inf will have a hard time^^
So in my opionion its a more a map-thingy. For real arty-feeling just put more arty on the map. People still too much stuck on the vanilla sust versions where 2 artys own a whole map.
About the short range...I agree thats not optimal but if a arty can shoot over a 256x256 or even more far...there is just no chance to kill them. The players would just put them in the farest corner of the map, complety unreachable for the enemy. And in view of multiplayer this would be just lame.

Looking forward to your arty-realisation! But plz dont make it too strong, especially against hard targets, if they massacre the infantry ok but not the tanks. Otherwise it will destroy any dynamic gameplay like u see it in sust 1+2 vanilla.

One arty is weak, a whole battery has the power to supress a attack.
Hi Barbarossa!

I try to explain.

In AXPRM the battry is 6-8 guns, with big logistic and slow transport time (ammoboxes, different artillery tractors etc.). In an 512X512 maps there are 5-6 batteries! The artillery can shot very good and real rate. In my oppinion yes, one shell have to kill 10 soldiers. Smaller guns 2-5 soldiers (in closed formations).

Against tanks:
The artillery units had HEAT shells against armoured units. The HEAT shells were the ideal shells for these artillery pieces becouse they could damage the armour without their fast muzzle velocity. In AXPM the howitzers are shoting HEAT/HE shells. The High Explosive Anti Tank and the High Explosive shells. First against armoured units and the second is for living forces. We made the HEAT and HE in one shell, becouse the sudden engine didn't allow to use different shells. They have correct parameters. For example the ML-20 howitzer could penetrate 15 cm armor between 0-1500 metres. (The power of HEAT not depend on the distance.) It is enough to destroy every tanks. And in 1939-42 every tank is in danger when they meet with enemy ML-20 howitzers.

In AXPRM the artillery batteries will be real. (4-8 guns/howitzers/mortars in each battery) If you won't defeat, you have to attack, becouse the enemy kil you with the artillery.
but you can hear the fire of the artillery when you searching for the enemy artillery positions.
it was the real disadvantage of the towed artillery. If you have found the place of the enemy artillery, you can hit them with your own howitzers.

In AXPRM the first thing is the history, the second is the gameplay!
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

HeavyPershing hat geschrieben:I think you got me wrong - I had directly firing cannons like AT-guns and tank cannons in mind. Projectiles fired off by these canons should not be too accurate otherwise you may make a dynamic gameplay impossible in the first place (accuracy was much too high for these weapons in the previous RCM versions).
Oh, I understand! I will write you soon!

Hi Pershing!

I'm here. I understand! military18 These things are changed in the whole AXPRM! The accuracy system is totally new.
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

The first MP finished in Egypt 13th september 1940. Italian vs british soldiers fought hard and the italians won. :P

Don't worry, everything is all right, we just tested the AXPRM2.0 beta1 version.

Let you know the AXPRM is a monumental mod between 1939-1943 and it contains 3 parts. ;)

Some things were changed, and the first units are good.
I use old units with new parameters. Big big thank for the old models to everyone!

Pictures from the desert in the year of 1940 will be avialable soon.
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

The first units in Africa and Middle-east 1939-1940:

Indepent Nation


Mesterlovesz (sniper)


Allvanyos tuzersegi szogtavcso (Stereoscope)



Brit Sofor (Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I)
Brit Sofor (Lee-Enfield Mk III)
Brit Gyalogos (Lee-Enfield Mk III & gr.)
Brit Gyalogos (Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I & gr.)
Brit Tuzer (Lee-Enfield Mk III)
Brit Gyalogos (Carcano mod.91)
Brit Utasz (Lee-Enfield Mk III)
Brit Felcser (Lee-Enfield Mk III)
Brit Golyszoros (Bren Mk I)
Brit Rajpar. (Lee-Enfield Mk III)
Brit Szakaszpar. (Lee-Enfield Mk III)
Brit Tiszt (Enfield No. 2 Mk I)
Brit Harckocsizo (Enfield No. 2 Mk I)
Brit Pc.Rombolo (.55in Boys Mk I)
Brit Pilota (Enfield No. 2 Mk I)


Vickers Mk I geppuska


8.76 cm tab.agyu (QF 25 pdr)


3.7 cm pct.agyu (QF 37 mm Mk I.)
4 cm pct.agyu (QF 2 pdr)


4 cm legv.gepagyu (QF 40 mm Mk I/III)


Wellington MK IC (Bombazo)
DC-3 (utasszallito)
Gloster Gladiator SS.37 (vadasz)
Lysander Mk II (felderito/futar)
Spitfire Mk II (Vadasz)

Trucks and supply:

Bedford OYD
Albion BY3N
Scammell Pioneer SV/2S (neh.musz.mento)
Ford WOC1 (utaszjarmu)
Leyland Retriever
Leyland Retriever (sebesultszallito)
Morris C8 tuz.vontato
Morris C8 tuz.vontato (loszerszallito)
Leyland Retriever tartalykocsi


Mk VI B konnyu harckocsi (Vickers Mk VI)
Mk II gyalogsagi harckocsi (Infantry Tank Mk II. Matilda II)
MK IV cirkalo harckocsi (Crusier Mk IV)
MK II cirkalo harckocsi (Crusier MK II)



Olasz Gyalogos (Carcano mod.91)
Olasz Gyalogos (Enfield mod.07)
Olasz Tuzer (Carcano mod.91)
Olasz Gyalogos (Carcano mod.91/24)
Olasz Gyalogos (Carcano mod.38)
Olasz Gyalogos (Carcano mod.91/28
Olasz Golyoszoros (Breda mod.30)
Olasz Tiszt (Beretta mod.34)
Olasz Szakaszpar. (Beretta mod.38)
Olasz Rajpar. (Carcano mod.91/28)
Olasz Aknavetos (Brandt mod.35)
Olasz Sofor (Carcano mod.91)
Olasz Harckocsizo (Beretta mod.34)
Olasz Utasz (Carcano mod.91/28)
Olasz Felcser (Carcano mod.91)
Olasz Pilota (Beretta mod.34)


Fiat-Revelli mod.35 geppuska
Breda Mod.37 geppuska

Trucks and supply:

Lancia 3RO
Lancia 3RO (sebesultszallito)
Lancia 3RO (loszerszallito)
Lancia 3RO (ellatojarmu)


Breda Ba.65 (csatarepulo)
Fiat Cr.32 (vadasz)
Fiat Br.20 (bombazo)
Reggiane Re.2000 (vadasz)
Fiat Cr.42AS (felderito)
Fiat Cr.42AS (vadasz)


M11/39 kozepes harckocsi
M13/40 kozepes harckocsi
L3/33 kisharckocsi


4.7 cm pct.agyu (Can. 47/32 mod.35)


10.5 cm tab.agyu (Can. 105/28 mod.13)


2 cm legv.gepagyu (C.-M. 20/65 mod.35)

Lybia (The first afro soldiers in Sudden history. Very cute dark-brown faces and hands. When you put this unit next to the normal infantry, you can see that these small guys are black.)

Libiai Gyalogos (Carcano mod.91)
Libiai Rajpar. (Carcano mod.91/28)



Auszt. Pilota (Enfield No. 2 Mk I)

And here you can see a Leyland retriever Fueltruck, a Cruiser MK IV tank, a Ford WOC1 light truck (Airfield supply truck, only repair vehicles and repair damaged airfields) and Morris C8 Field artillery tarctor.

Thank to Liberation, PWM modders and to the unknow unit maker who made this beautiful Cruiser MK IV tank.
Refuelling of a Crusier MK IV tank of the 7th Armoured division in Egypt in september 1940.
Refuelling of a Crusier MK IV tank of the 7th Armoured division in Egypt in september 1940.
x.x.x.xxcruiserMK IV.JPG (66.11 KiB) 11568 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

The second beta version of AXPRM2.0 is under testing. :P

I made the year 1941. Some nations aren't British Commonwealth nations.

I'm thinking about the middle east. For example Vichy France vs. Great Britain in Palestine or Syria.
But when I'm making thes nations, I have to make Irak and iran too. :D When I make Iran I have to make russians. (Yes, russians fought in the desert against Iranians. It was a big operation together with british soldiers. GB and USSR vs. Iran. :D) :D

This modding is an "evil circle". New nations, new nations, new nations...

Now I have made polish soldiers in desert (Carpathian Brigade). They are speaking in polish language. They have british uniform and british weapons.

Senegalese light infantry troops added. They have a big Berthier rifle with mle 1886 bayonett. These black soldiers are very brave and they love the desert and africa. They are faster than other infantry. The senegalese section leader haven't got binoculars, but he has bigger sight. He has mle 1935A pistol and sword. :D They are speaking french.

I replaced the russian voices with arab voices, but I can not find the bug, why the russians aren't speaking. (The russian voices now arab voices) So the lybian soldiers are speaking rarely. :(

I have replaced some sounds with islam and desert sounds in the editor.

This picture was taken in an egyptian shipyard. The plane arrived from PWM mod. Thank you very much for the wonderful planes (For example Australian Hawker Hurricane MK IIB).
.......................SUNDERLAND1.JPG (208.74 KiB) 11485 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 1438
Registriert: 11.03.2007, 21:10

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von GeorgiSchukow »

First of all "Happy Birthday",due to the forum you had your 26th birthday some days ago,so some late wishes from my side!
The second thing I want to say is that I really admit what you are doing and which amount of work you are doing.I think you are only one modder,right? So this is hilarious!
Can't wait for the final release! ;)
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »


Thank you for the nice words and the best wishes.

I don't knw who is the last modder, but I'm the one of the last mohikans. :D

The release is far away, becous the AXPRM need lot of work. And this is in only 1939-early 1943 md in three parts. If it would be a 39-45 mod it will be released. :D
Beiträge: 1438
Registriert: 11.03.2007, 21:10

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von GeorgiSchukow »

Take the time you need,it will be good for the mod!
In other mods I have seen the artillery. In my opinion (and lt of my historical iformation helped me) the artillr yis too weak in other mods. For example the howitzer's prime duty is to destroy the closed infantry formations of the enemy and to support the attacking infantry. For example in Other mods when the enemy attacking with 50 riflemen, and I hit them with a howitzer, 3-5 rifleman dies and the other 45-47 still running. It is not real. Anbd in other mods the artillery has very short range. The rocket artillery has very long range. It is not real too. For example the Katyusa rocket launcher had 3-6 km range, the F-22 fieldgun had cca. 20 km. In AXPRM I crrected this. (The range of the BM-13 Katyusa is approx one or two screen. The F-22 can shot across a 256X256 map.
For me that is a very interesting point.In RWM the artillery was not more than enerving in my opinion,it seems that in AXPRM it is what it should be - deadly! :mrgreen:
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

Yes Schukov, the Artillery is very fantasy in the other mods. AXPRM needs the realism. I fixed the bugs, for exampla the accuracy of guns. But if you have a good artillery battery you can make a real hell on maps. :D
In MP you have to move with your units and you can not making funny camps for waiting attacks. You have to eliminate the enemy artillery and start a sudden attack. But the artillery is very problematic (like in REAL life). You need ammoboxes (one shell in each guns) and you need special tractors. The key is the good logistics. (For example your 15 cm s.FH howitzers are nothing without ammoboxes or tractors. (The enemy can hear the BOOOOm of your guns) You can not transport the big guns with simple trucks (for example Opel-Blitz 3.6 trucks).

I'm proud on the AXPRM artillery and planes.

It is very good, trust me. :D

Ps.: yes, in Sudden strike the Katyusa was a real bug. The artillery was a weak weapon and the Katyusa was the wonderweapon. Katyusa was only a mass-weapon with relative short range but it had good mobility. In AXPRM 1.0 you can make nothing with one Katyusa. When your start an attack you have to use 12-16 Katyusa. (like in real history, typical mass-weapon)
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

New dvelopment:

Greek Royal Forces added. (Royal Hellenic Army in the Middle East)
"After the fall of Greece to the Axis, elements of the Greek armed forces managed to escape to the British-controlled Middle East. There they were placed under the royal government-in-exile, and continued the fight along the Allies."

Today evening I will start to create germans. :roll:
Beiträge: 561
Registriert: 20.06.2006, 05:47
Wohnort: Zalacsány

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von HunButyok »

Some new pictures from the AXPRM2.0 beta2 multiplayer test:
MK II Infantry tanks in Libian Desert in 1940.
MK II Infantry tanks in Libian Desert in 1940.
......matildak.JPG (242.72 KiB) 11358 mal betrachtet
An italian panzer brigade. :P
An italian panzer brigade. :P
sscr002.jpg (288.44 KiB) 11358 mal betrachtet
Reloading a MK IV Crusier tank in Egypt september 1940.
Reloading a MK IV Crusier tank in Egypt september 1940.
x.x.x.xxcruiserMK IV.JPG (66.11 KiB) 11358 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 1438
Registriert: 11.03.2007, 21:10

Re: New AXPRM Resource War Mod has born.

Beitrag von GeorgiSchukow »

Nice pictures! ;)

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