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Hey Can some one Help me Please..

Verfasst: 10.05.2010, 20:03
von Zelaktis
Hey am new to the Forum...Sudden Strike 2 RWM mod is fantastic. Am just figuring out too work the Map editor. it would be nice if someone can show me or bring me to a link or download Tutorial how to Make your own maps for the Game...basic stuff i need to know is Scripting, Reinforcements, and and paradrops..thanks looking forward to a reply :) Cheers from Canada :D military12

Re: Hey Can some one Help me Please..

Verfasst: 13.05.2010, 04:50
von Matttheoz
Hi Zelaktis, welcome to the forum!

The map editor is a massive can of worms...far too much to try to teach someone, you'll have to mainly use trial and error to work out the finer points yourself.

I'm sure there is a tutorial somewhere, I just can't can't think where :?

However, briefly, to get you started on the points you mentioned:

Scripting - well scripting can be simple or mega-complicated. basically you set a trigger which will trigger an action. when you open the script box in the editor you'll see the 2 blank boxes. click on the top one and the third box at the bottom will give you a possible list of triggers. triggers can be refined by using multiple triggers in conjunction by using "and" or alternatively by using "or". You will start with simple scripts and work your way up as you get the hang of it.

when you click on the second box, the third box at the bottom will show you a list of actions.

with both triggers and actions you have to fill in the "blanks" to get a working script.

Important points:

Avoid contradictory scripts at all costs or the game will crash.

Units have to be set a group from A1-J9 (i think j9 is the last group), either by clicking units in the side menu, then selecting them on the map and using the table at the bottom or giving them a group in the unit box before placing them or the reinforcements box. You will see that these groups are crucial when scripting.

Group A0 does not react to scripts and should be used for units which are not expected to perform any AI steered actions (static units or player units).

Zones (otherwise known as locations) also need to be set. Select from the side menu then place them on the map. They will show up as blue areas numbered 1-63.

A typical script may look something like:

mission start
remove this condition
set AI grp B0 behaviour to Infantry guard location
set AI grp B0 location 1 to 10
set AI grp B0 location 2 to 11

By that script units of group B0 will defend zones 10 and 11 from the start of the mission. Imp- if you don't add "remove this condition" the script will be repeated continuously, which can lead to problems if you wan't to give a group more than 1 action in a game.

Reinforcements- you have to set a "gate" (otherwise known as a flag). These are found in the side menu and are numbered A-P (i think...). You place gates on the extreme margin of the mission area, right on the edge of the shadowed area, then use the slide bar to set how big they are. Alternatively you can place a single gate on the map itself then right click somewhere nearby so a blue flag appears aswell, but gates on the map itself cannot be made larger - they are always only 1 cell wide (ie, only 1 vehicle or a couple of infantry can enter every few seconds).

You then select reinforcements under mission options, select a slot, click edit, give that slot a name (eg- B0 infantry) at the bottom of the box, then add units so they appear in the column at the right, then click OK.

Then you set a script such as:

>0 units of player player in location 1 and <1 units of player enemy in location 1
exclude this condition
send to player enemy reinforcement of type B0 infantry via flag A into zone 10 with delay 00:01:00
set AI grp B0 behaviour to Infantry guard location
set AI grp B0 location 1 to 10
set AI grp B0 location 2 to 11

by that script, when the player conquers zone 1, enemy reinforcements of grp B0 will enter the map through gate A after 1 minute and take up positions to defend zone 10 and 11.

Paradrops- go to mission options --> players, then from the drop down select transports or freight planes, then click options to select the type, then click parachute to set the payload, then set the flight direction at the bottom.

Then you'll have to set a zone or a marker somewhere on the map to denote the drop zone.

Then you'll have to write a script, eg-

>0 units of player player in zone 1
remove this condition
start 2 transports of player player into location (or marker) 1 and land to airfield 0

anyway, that should get you started mate. lots of trial and error... good luck


Re: Hey Can some one Help me Please..

Verfasst: 13.05.2010, 05:02
von Zelaktis
Thanks alot this will help me in the long run..i will keep in touch :) :o