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Map decompiler for Sust2/RWM mod

Verfasst: 12.10.2019, 11:17
von Last Soldier
Small tool which unpack *.ssm and *.smm map files into editor format.
Output is only ground terrain and map objects, no special flags like shallows, mines, airfields, zones etc., no mission scripts.

- I found no exact formula how are ground textures/rhombs combinations are done, some mods have different number of terrains in schemes (like WWM mod have 8 terrains, RWM have 7, 5 or 3 etc.) then it doesn't work with all options (map schemes, mods..). Some terrains overlap others, some not.. again I didn't find out where it's defined then everything is hardcoded via tables (I will also publish source code). If mod makers have idea how it works I can remake it.

Code: Alles auswählen

- Don't forget make backup of your maps in editor folder "..\game\editor\maps.src\
1) Copy maps into "maps" folder. (Remove special characters like "ü" from filename "Prüm.ssm" => "Prum.ssm")
2) Click on "Select map file", select if map have 7 or 3 types of terrain and then click on "Decompile map"
3) Go to editor map source directory: "..\game\editor\maps.src\" and create new folder here. For example "map.001" or use an existing one
4) Copy all files from folder "Output"" to your new folder (e.g.: "..\game\editor\maps.src\map.001")
5) Load map in editor
mapdecompiler.png (12.61 KiB) 5483 mal betrachtet

Re: Map decompiler for Sust2/RWM mod

Verfasst: 21.10.2019, 17:11
von Kampfgruppe Peiper
Moin, Danke fürs teilen! Will nur bei mir irgendwie nicht funktionieren:( bekomme immer eine Fehlermeldung

Re: Map decompiler for Sust2/RWM mod

Verfasst: 22.10.2019, 15:05
von Last Soldier

I'm not sure if it works under Windows 7.

You can try:
- be sure that program doesn't run in some protected directory (disabled work with files), just place it into C:\test\ or similar simple path
- be sure that program isn't blocked by some antivirus software (HDD access etc.)
- you can try run it with all rights - right click on "mapdecompiler.exe" and select "Run as administrator"
- it looks like you are running system in "test mode" ?

Re: Map decompiler for Sust2/RWM mod

Verfasst: 22.10.2019, 18:41
von Kampfgruppe Peiper
Okay thank you!

Re: Map decompiler for Sust2/RWM mod

Verfasst: 07.09.2023, 12:59
von fufu814
Hello This is CoRam military11

First I want to thank you for posting this great information and resource.

It works good on windows xp VMware right below C drive folder

but my question is.....

1. Did you make this program all by yourself ?

2. Can it be modified to convert maps from other mods?

3. Have you stopped playing RWM ?

4. How can I contact you privately something like on messenger

5. I've done a test for SSF-summer scheme but the terrains other than Green grass don't appear on the ground

again thanks for sharing this great program I want to get more of this if you can give me more of this military18 military18 military18